This Gender Equality Policy defined by the HCS Top Management, in coordination with the Steering Committee, defines the principles, objectives and guidelines that define the organisation's commitment towards
of issues relating to gender equality, the valorization of diversity and female empowerment.

This Gender Equality Policy is applicable to all internal staff and external staff who collaborate continuously with the organization.

Principles and commitments
HCS, through the implementation of a Management System for Gender Equality compliant with UNI/PdR 125, has started a process of cultural change within its organization in order to achieve a more equitable
gender equality.
HCS believes in a culture based on respect and valorization of diversity of gender, age, origin, social,
religion, political ideas, psychophysical abilities, sexual identity and orientation.
HCS undertakes:

  • to apply human resources management and development practices that promote an inclusive culture of access to company roles and growth in the professional path, guaranteeing equal opportunities for all staff and encouraging the strengthening of the female gender;
  • to promote conditions for balancing work and personal life, suitable for the different phases of life and proactive in rebalancing family loads between men and women;
  • to communicate transparently, internally and externally (including marketing and advertising activities), its desire to pursue gender equality, enhance diversity and support the strengthening of the female gender
  • to create a working environment that is inclusive, collaborative, supportive, transparent and open to listening to all staff.
  • to prevent, censor and combat stereotypes, discrimination, all forms of physical, verbal, digital abuse and aims to create a culture of diversity and inclusion
  • to gradually but rigorously reduce the differences in pay and career advancement that may have occurred in the long history of the Company.


HCS defines its objectives, detailed in the "Strategic Plan" also through Performance Indicators (KPIs), based on the Thematic Areas indicated by UNI/PdR 125:2022:

1. Culture and strategy: improving the Organization's working environment by promoting and supporting inclusion capabilities, gender equality and valorization of gender diversity. Fighting and overcoming any stereotype, discrimination or prejudice - even unconscious bias - based on gender issues.

2. Governance: implementation of a governance model of the Organization aimed at defining adequate organizational safeguards and the presence of the minority gender in the organisation's policy and control bodies as well as the presence of processes aimed at identifying and remedying any event of non-inclusion

3. HR processes: implementation of processes in the HR field, relating to the different stages that characterize the life cycle of a resource in the organization based on principles of inclusion and respect for diversity.

4. Opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company: improvement of the organization's ability to create gender-neutral access to internal career and growth paths and the related acceleration.

5. Remuneration equity by gender: implementation of processes for balancing remuneration with a total reward logic, therefore also including non-monetary compensation such as welfare and well-being systems

6. Protection of parenthood and work-life balance: implementation of policies to support staff in their parenting and caregiver activities.

The Management assigns adequate resources (budget), responsibilities and authorities for the pursuit, achievement and maintenance of the established gender equality objectives. This Policy integrates with other company policies.

Staff are required to respect, for the activities within their competence, what is indicated by the Management System and the Practices and Policies connected to it as well as to apply the principles contained in this Gender Equality Policy on a daily basis.

Date 03/15/2024 É AF